April 20 2024

by Joshua Dubler, University of Rochester


Last fall, I taught the course Theories of Religion to students at New York’s Auburn Prison through the Cornell Prison Education Program (CPEP). As funded through a recent grant from the Mellon Foundation, CPEP is in the process of expanding its program from two facilities to four and is assembling a consortium of area schools to participate in it. The University of Rochester, where I am an assistant professor of religion, is one of these schools.

I required my Auburn students to complete a weekly writing assignment. Below, I present the assignment in full, as it appeared on the syllabus, with notations to follow.

by Melanie Webb, Princeton Theological Seminary


Do you think the seminary would ever want to teach us?

In 2013, I first cotaught a college class at a New Jersey state prison, Garden State Correctional Facility, in Bordentown. The course was in literature, but one of my students noticed from the syllabus that my institutional affiliation was with a seminary. He pulled me aside in the middle of the semester and said, “Mel, I notice that you’re at Princeton Seminary. I’m a theologian, and I’m the choir director here. Do you think the seminary would ever want to teach us?” I stared at him in silence, taken aback by the simplicity of his request to be taught by the seminary as any other faith leader might be taught.

“New York Theological Seminary Prison Program, Sing Sing Correctional Facility.” 2000. Souls 2 (1): 12–16.

Alexander, Michelle. 2010. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. New York: The New Press.

Atkins, Jr., Charles. 2016. “The Path of the Logos: The Relevance of the Practice of Bible Study in an American Prison.” Dissertation (PhD). Université de Montréal.

Atkins, Margaret Quern. 2007. “Integrative Justice Theory: A Study of God’s Justice and the US Prison System.” Thesis (MTS), Drew Theological School.

Castro, Erin L., Michael Brawn, Daniel E. Graves, Orlando Mayorga, Johnny Page, and Andra Slater. 2015. "Higher Education in an Era of Mass Incarceration: Possibility under Constraint." Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs Vol. 1, Article 2.


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