May 21 2024

Interview with Adam Lyons

Adam Lyons joins Kristian Petersen to discuss his award-winning book Karma and Punishment: Prison Chaplaincy in Japan (Harvard University Press). Interdisciplinary in its orientation that seamlessly blends in-depth fieldwork with meticulous archival research, Lyons' book is a profound meditation on the relationship between carcerality, religion, and the modern State.

Interview by Nichole Phillips

An interview between Emily Gravett, 2023 Katie Geneva Cannon Excellence in Teaching Award Winner, and Nichole Phillips, chair of AAR Committee on Teaching and Learning

Namdrol Miranda Adams

Namdrol Miranda Adams discusses the state of Buddhist theological education, gleaning insights from two leading contemporary Buddhist scholars. 

Interview with Rhiannon Graybill

Rhiannon Graybill joins Kristian Petersen to discuss her award-winning book Texts after Terror: Rape, Sexual Violence, and the Hebrew Bible (Oxford University Press). Through the book, Graybill critically and authentically engages with many of the Hebrew's Bible's most disturbing narratives, while displaying remarkable loyalty to the promise of remaining interested in the question of what comes after sexual violence.

By Russell T. McCutcheon, University of Alabama

Desktop computer screen showing the webpage for AAR's Academic Relations Committee, blue text on a white screen

In October 2023, I hosted a webinar for the American Academy of Religion’s Academic Relations Committee (ARC), which I currently chair, devoted to the topic of department mergers (a topic well known to many in our field). My guest was Steve Berkwitz of Missouri State, former chair of their Department of Religious Studies and now head of the newly formed (and considerably larger) unit, the Department of Languages, Cultures, and Religions. It combines what many campuses would call their Department of Modern Languages with Religious Studies.

Rebecca Alpert, Rita Nakashima Brock, and Mary E. Hunt

In March 2024, Judith Plaskow will be the first feminist scholar of religion and AAR member to be inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.

Claudia Schippert, Whitney Bauman, and Ann Gleig, AAR Program Committee

students entering a school in Pasco County, FL

AAR Program Committee members Claudia Schippert, Whitney Bauman, and Ann Gleig reside in Florida. They share some context about the current situation in the state and resources for updates and action.

Interview with Niloofar Haeri

Kristian Peterson interviews Niloofar Haeri, AAR Book Award winner

Niloofar Haeri joins Kristian Petersen to discuss her award-winning bookSay What Your Longing Heart Desires: Women, Prayer, and Poetry in Iran (Stanford University Press). Through the book, Haeri examines the everyday prayer practices of Iranian women as the basis for reflecting on the relationship between prayer and poetry and on how ideas about religiosity debated in classical Persian poetry inform the world of prayer.

Rebecca Alpert, Temple University

Providing students with skills they will use throughout their lives as writers should be part of graduate education, no matter what career paths they choose.

Rebecca Alpert, Temple University

woman in hat browsing bookshelves

Rebecca Alpert explores what we should be teaching graduate students in the humanities today—such as how to navigate writing a book-length work.
