Intersectionality in Theological Education
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Intersectionality in Theological Education: Engaging Complexity, Activism, and Multiple Consciousness
Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner, Perkins School of Theology
Making the Way Together
Emilie M. Townes, Vanderbilt University Divinity School
Intersectionality and Theological Education
Nancy Ramsay, Brite Divinity School
Thinking at the Intersections of Theology and the Matrix of Differences: From Intersectionality to Interconnectivity
Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, Iliff School of Theology, University of Denver
Intersectionality and Disclosure as Pedagogical Tools
Kirk VanGilder, Gallaudet University
Intersections: A Zimbabwe-US Class
Maaraidzo E. Mutambara, Africa University
Traci C. West, Drew University Theological School
Performing Bodies in the Classroom: Multiple Identities and (Mis)Recognition
Heike Peckruhn, Iliff School of Theology, University of Denver