March 03 2025

Spotlight on Theological Education

Scott. C. Alexander, Catholic Theological Union, editor

Spotlight on Theological Education is a major initiative of the AAR and its Theological Education Steering Committee. Spotlight has become an important venue for exploring opportunities and challenges in theological education. Each issue focuses on a particular theme, setting, or concern to theological education. Spotlight appears as a special supplement to Religious Studies News in the spring of each year as a member benefit.


Prefatory miniature from a moralized Bible of "God as architect of the world", folio I verso, Paris ca. 1220–1230. Ink, tempera, and gold leaf on vellum 1' 1½" × 8¼". Public Domain. Science and Theological Education: Reports from the Field / May 2019

 Trump and A Crisis in American Monotheisms / April 2018

Cropped portion of an illuminated manuscript depicting Mary preaching to the apostles Theological Education between the Times / April 2017

 Islamic Studies at North American Theological Seminaries / April 2016

 Intersectionality in Theological Education / April 2015

 The Transnational Character of Theological Education / March 2014

 Environmental Justice and Interreligious Ecotheology / March 2013