New England-Maritimes Region
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2019 New England-Maritimes Regional MeetingMarch 22, 2019
2019 Call for Papers
BEFORE Submitting your proposal PLEASE READ ALL THESE DIRECTIONS carefully
The NEMAAR Conference is open to all individuals, though those with accepted proposals must be active (i.e., current paid-up) members of the AAR by no later than February 21, 2019. AAR members from Regions other than NEMAAR are invited to participate, though the Graduate Student Essay Competition is limited graduate students of institutions within the geographical boundaries of NEMAAR. SBL members should apply via the SBL Region Coordinator at, by January 18, 2019.
Proposal Submission Deadline & Practicalia By Friday January 18, 2019 please e-mail a one- page, double-spaced Paper Proposal (c. 250 words) in a PC-compatible electronic file (doc, docx, or pdf) named with your own surname to NEMAAR Regional Coordinator James Bretzke at with “NEMAAR Paper Proposal” in the Subject Line. Include within the proposal itself your own name, your institutional affiliation (if any), and contact information, including e-mail address. Please indicate your current AAR membership status, as only paid-up members may present. As we plan on including the e-mail information in the Conference Program, and if you wish not to have such information included please state this clearly in your Proposal Information. We do need, though, the e-mail address for internal communication with all those submitting a proposal.
While there is no set Conference Theme, we are especially interested in papers/panels which may intersect with subject matter of the Society of Biblical Literature with whom we are co- sponsoring the joint conference. Other paper or panel proposals also are welcome. In your proposal indicate the general subject or interest area (e.g., Ethics, Religions in Asia, Historical Theology, Gender & Sexuality, Theology & Art, Islam, Comparative Religions, Spirituality, etc.) as well as the specific title of your paper. Also please indicate if you will need any AV equipment or have other special needs. If you have someone who might serve as a convener for your Session please indicate that as well. If no Convener is designated we will do our best to find a volunteer.
Panel proposals are most welcome, and in the case of a successful panel proposal an entire 75 minute Session will be devoted to the Panel Presentation and Discussion.
Abstract: Also include a c. 75 word Abstract of your paper, which will be used in the Conference Program should your paper be accepted. The Abstract does NOT “count” in the limit of the one-page Paper Proposal.
Conference Format
Individual, concurrent Conference Sessions will be 75-80 minutes in length. Single Papers accepted will be grouped with another Paper in the same general area, so presenters each would be asked to limit their individual presentation to about 25 minutes, which comes to 12-13 pages of written text, double-spaced and with 12 point font. This format then would allow time for some reasonable follow-up discussion and questions. Panel proposals accepted will have the entire 75 minute concurrent session at their disposal (i.e., only one panel per 75-80 minute concurrent session will be scheduled).
Notification of Paper Proposal Acceptance
Authors of proposals will be notified by the second week of February and at that time all accepted paper presenters must become active (i.e., paid up) members of the American Academy of Religion and will also be expected to complete paid registration for the conference itself.
Conference Registration, Fees, and Practicalia
The Conference Registration itself will be handled by the SBL, and will be modest, including a box lunch and limited snacks and beverages. Very, very limited funds may be available for travel by NEMAAR members only outside of Metro Boston. Please send the details for your travel request in a separate e-mail to James Bretzke at with NEMAAR Travel Funds Request in the subject header. No other conference-related expenses such as housing, parking, etc. can be paid for Conference participants by NEMAAR.
All those whose proposals have been accepted are expected to present their own papers at the regional conference.
- an address by Jack Miles, Corcoran Chair in Jewish-Christian Relations, Boston College, and Pulitzer Prize winning author. See his biography here: web/bcnews/campuscommunity/faculty/new-corcoran-chairholder.html.
- a panel discussion on the topic of academic labor moderated by the SBL Regional President, Yonder Gillihan (Boston College), and the AAR Regional president, Paul Firenze (Wentworth Institute of Technology). Panelists TBA.
- “Race in and in Front of the Classroom,” a panel discussion organized by the SBL Regional Student Committee and the AAR Student Director Alex Mayfield. Panelists TBA.