March 12 2025

AAR Members Awarded 2017 ACLS Fellowships

a red and white star logo with ACLS printed below

The AAR is thrilled to share the the following members are 2017 American Council of Learned Societies fellowship recipients:

John Corrigan - Luce/ACLS Program in Religion, Journalism & International Affairs Fellowships for Scholars
Professor, Religion and History, Florida State University
Religious Violence and American Foreign Policy

Timothy S. Dobe - Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowship for Recently Tenured Scholars
Associate Professor, Religious Studies, Grinnell College
The Muslim Gandhi: Islamicate Hinduism, Alternative Communities and Radical Religious Love

Christopher Emms - The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in Buddhist Studies
Doctoral Candidate, Religious Studies, McMaster University
A Study and Translation of Sakyaprabha’s Aryamulasarvastivadisramanerakarika: Verses for Novices of the Noble Mularsarvastivadins

Claire L. Fanger - ACLS Fellowship Program
Associate Professor, Religion, Rice University
Prophecy in Practice: The Everyday Life of Divine Knowledge in the Twelfth Century

Hyoung Seok Ham - The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Buddhist Studies
Affiliated Scholar, Korea University
Buddhist Confrontation with the Veda: A Historical Analysis of Bhaviveka’s Mimamsa Chapter of the Madhyamakahrdayakarika and Tarkajvala

Matthew William King - Luce/ACLS Collaborative Reading-Workshop Grant in China Studies
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies, University of California, Riverside
Genealogies of Knowledge: Reading Gsan yig/Thob yig Literature from the Tibetan Frontiers of Late Imperial China

Ian J. MacCormack - The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in Buddhist Studies
Doctoral Candidate, Committee on the Study of Religion, Harvard University
Buddhism and Government in Seventeenth-Century Tibet

Joseph Anthony Marino - The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Buddhist Studies
Doctoral Candidate, Asian Languages and Literature, University of Washington
Imagining the Dharma: Metaphor as Pedagogy in Two Gandhari Sutras of the Robert Senior Collection

John Modern - Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowship for Recently Tenured Scholars
Associate Professor, Religious Studies, Franklin & Marshall College
The Religion Machine, or; A Particular History of the Brain

Or Porath - The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in Buddhist Studies
Doctoral Candidate, Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
Intimate Dharma: Buddhism, the Body, and Imperial Authority in Medieval Japan

Sara Ann Swenson - The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in Buddhist Studies
Doctoral Candidate, Religion, Syracuse University
“Sharing Hearts”: Buddhism, Social Services, and Privatization in Vietnam

Alicia Marie Turner - The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Research Fellowship in Buddhist Studies
Associate Professor, Humanities Department, York University
Buddhism’s Plural Pasts: Religious Difference and Indifference in Colonial Burma

Albert F. Welter - Comparative Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society
Professor, East Asian Studies, University of Arizona
Creating the World of Chan/ Son /Zen: Chinese Chan Buddhism and its Spread throughout East Asia

Nicole Willock - The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Research Fellowship in Buddhist Studies
Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Old Dominion University
Lineages of the Literary: Tibetan Buddhist Scholars Making Modern China

Thomas A. Wilson - ACLS Fellowship Program
Professor, History, Hamilton College
Historical Constructions and Ritual Formations of the Cult of Confucius

Jessica Xiaomin Zu - The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in Buddhist Studies
Doctoral Candidate, Religion, Princeton University
Translation, Comparative Hermeneutics, and Yogacara Social Theory in Lu Cheng's (1896-1989) New Buddhist Canon

Each year, the ACLS awards tens of millions of dollars to scholars and academic projects across the world. The AAR is a proud member of the ACLS, and we encourage our members to apply for ACLS funding in one or more of its over a dozen programs. Upcoming deadlines run from September 2017 through January 2018.