March 11 2025

NEH Grants Awarded to AAR Members

Early this month, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) announced the awarding of $79 million in grants for over 300 humanities projects, many of which support religious studies research.

A total of over $2 million dollars in grants was awarded to projects focusing on religious studies. Many of the grantees are active members of the AAR. We extend warm congratulations to our following members:

David Albertson (University of Southern California)

Project Title: The Tegernsee Debate on Love and Reason: Mystical Letters and Treatises in Late Medieval Germany

Project Description: Preparation of a one-volume English translation of fifteenth-century Latin documents written at Tegernsee Monastery, Germany, debating the value of Christian piety and reason in identifying common ground with Judaism and Islam.

Edward Curtis (Indiana University-Purdue University)

Project Title: Muslim American Identities, Past and Present

Project Description: A three-week seminar for 16 schoolteachers on the history and cultures of Muslims in the United States.

James Laine (Macalester College)

Project Title: Teaching the Religions of the World

Project Description: A four-week college and university institute for 30 participants, exploring the difficulties of teaching about the religions of the world.

Henry Goldschmidt (Interfaith Center of New York)

Project Title: Religious Worlds of New York: Teaching the Everyday Life of American Religious Diversity

Project Description: A three-week summer institute for 25 schoolteachers on religious diversity in New York City neighborhoods, exemplified by six religious traditions.

Garry Sparks (George Mason University)

Project Title: The Theologia Indorum: A Critical Translation of Friar Domingo de Vico’s Theology for and of the Maya, Volume I

Project Description: Preparation of a critical edition and English translation of the 16thcentury Theologia Indorum (Theology of the Indians) composed in Maya, the first work of Christian theology written in an indigenous American language.

More information on these grants and the NEH's work to support the humanities is available on the National Endowment for the Humanities webpage.