February 23 2025

Teaching and Learning in Faculty-Led Short-Term Study Abroad Programs: Resources

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Passarelli, Angela M. and David A. Kolb. 2012. “Using Experiential Learning Theory to Promote Student Learning and Development in Programs of Education Abroad.” In Student Learning Abroad. What Our Students are Learning, What They’re Not, and What We can Do About It, 137-61. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Payne, Philip and Brian Watchow. 2009. “Phenomenological Deconstruction, Slow Pedagogy, and the Corporeal Turn in Wild Environmental/Outdoor Education.” Canadian Journal of Education 14: 15–32.

Perry Lane, Lee Stoner, and Michael Tarrant. 2012. “More than a Vacation: Short-Term Study Abroad as a Critically Reflective, Transformative Learning Experience.” Creative Education 3 (5): 679–683.

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